Jan 20, 2020 This will be clearer when we use it later in the tutorial. Finally, replace the content of index.tsx with the following: import React from 'react'... d9ca4589f4 godyarma
We will build a basic real-time Restaurant CRUD app using authenticated GraphQL APIs. Click here ... Will this tutorial teach React or GraphQL concepts as well? No. ... If you have initialized the app with Typescript and see errors while using.. Mar 5, 2020 Chat App. Let's create a new project with typescript template $ expo init. Add a dependency $ yarn add @react-native.... Prisma is a Node.js and TypeScript ORM that can be used to build GraphQL servers, ... Check out an example schema. index.tsx. 1await prisma.user. 2 .findUnique({ ... Prisma simplifies database access, saves repetitive CRUD boilerplate and...