Did she ever worry about how she was going to get married and produce heirs during all her years in icy confinement? Even after learning how to control her powers, Elsa is perfectly happy just spending time with her sister and creating ice sculptures. She’s too busy having fun with her magical powers to have time for romance, sex, and continuing the family line.
The books and writers that are considered as belonging to the canon are almost always the subject of argument and tend to change with the times. The future of character headcanon generator generators lies in the integration of AI and machine learning technologies. These advancements can lead to even more sophisticated and nuanced character profiles.
The character was supposedly some sort of ancient archangel type thing... Who hated Oranbegans for one reason or another. I mean, he absolutely LOATHED them, and made it clear that he basically wanted to see them all burned to ash with Holy Fire any time the Circle came up in conversation. Which they sometimes did, with various characters from my gang being around. And, "how dare you speak with me mortal, I don't care if this dimension is destroyed, I'm uber-Galactus" also not great for head canon and roleplaying, in my opinion. I think it's better for roleplaying if you're of moderate level superhero instead of Galactus.
I made up a good functional way for Respawns to work in TF2 RP, as well as Spy’s tools, and how ‘shifts’ work at the base, and developed a history for it. I moved slow, people agreed with what I had, and it became just the room setting because it was a headcanon gen that expanded to fit everyone. When people who disagreed showed up, we just said "our Respawner works different" or something, and we all just never brought it up in actual RP so no one fought. As long as no one talks about what’s not cohesive, then no one has to bring up the AU card. Same thing for your character themselves; how they look is up to you so long as canon doesn’t tell you otherwise. If they think you’re supposed to be 5'6" and you think it’s 6", then unless canon contradicts you outright; you win you character is yours not theirs.