A Caregiver’s Guide to Home Organization, Downsizing, and Moving.

Rebecca Lang, a BSLA graduate from The Ohio State University, has extensive experience in landscape and interior design, including remodeling and home staging. As a caregiver, she authored Stepping Stones to Harmony to support women in the sandwich generation, offering practical advice for

Health and Wellness

Prepare and Achieve Goals

  1. Prepare: Print this plan and hang it on the refrigerator to help you make better nutritional choices.
  2. Set a Health Goal: “I am committed to having more strength and energy.”
  3. Make a Plan: Write down an activity for each day of the week. Add your time, distance, or other goal.
  4. Execute: Check off the box after completing the activity each day.
  5. Adjust: Change your plans to increase your duration or activity. Changing your exercise routine will also help to keep it fresh and provide greater challenge.
  6. Use Tools: Apps may be useful if you already rely on them. However, having the Health and Exercise Worksheet on the refrigerator can help you stay on track. It is very easy to dismiss electronic reminders.
  7. Focus on Mindset: Focus on wellness, health, increased stamina, increased strength, or your favorite outfit rather than a long list of things you think you should avoid. It is a daily lifestyle choice to prioritize mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
  8. Measure: Create a worksheet and keep completed documents in a folder or 3-ring binder to track your progress. You will achieve large goals by completing smaller daily tasks.
  9. Create a Health Plan with positive goals. A positive goal can be having two cups of coffee instead of three. A positive goal moves you in the right direction. The word diet makes me think about cookies and cake. Instead, I try to focus on the healthy goals I want to accomplish.





Health Goal:

Exercise Goal:


Food and Beverage Plan

  • Daily ounces of water
  • Servings of fresh fruit
  • Servings of fresh vegetables
  • Servings of caffeine
  • Servings of sugar
  • Servings of fast food
  • Servings of pop/soda
  • Servings of chips/refined foods

Daily Exercise Plan

  • Walk (distance or time)
  • Jog (distance or time)
  • Yoga
  • Lift weights


Medications and Vitamins

A written Medication and Vitamin Plan will help you stay on schedule. It will also make filling a pill sorter faster and easier if you use one. More importantly, a written schedule in your cabinet will help medical personnel if you have a medical emergency.

Since every individual’s needs vary, it may be helpful to create a document on your computer that you can print weekly.

Also, consider using 3x5 notecards to help you keep track of what you need to take next. For example, create a card for each time of day and list the medications or supplements that should be taken at that time. When you take your 6:00 am dose, put that card away and leave the 12:00 pm card out by the kitchen sink. When you take the 12:00 pm doses, put that card away and leave the 5:00 pm dose by the kitchen sink. Be sure to date each card. You may need to revise your cards, and this will eliminate confusion.




3x5 Cards

  1. Daily 6:00 am medications and supplements
  2. Daily 12:00 pm medications and supplements
  3. Daily 5:00 pm medications and supplements
  4. Daily 9:00 pm medications and supplements

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