Address Your Skin Concern With A Right Skin Specialist

Mehaktagul Derma Clinic remains the most-liked choice for everyone for a skilled skin specialist in Delhi.

Your skin is your reflection. Everything and anything will reflect on your skin. Modern lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors contributed to poor skin health. Other factors contributing towards poor skin conditions are underlying diseases, disorders, or hereditary factors. Since skin is a sensitive organ, it is important to consult with the right skin specialist for your specific skin needs. Mehaktagul Derma Clinic remains the most-liked choice for everyone for a skilled skin specialist in Delhi. This blog will cover different types of skin concerns and their treatments. 

What is your Skin Concern?

Everyone is different so, and so is their skin and its concern. Some of the common skin concerns are listed below:

  • Acne: It is a common skin concern caused when hair follicles or skin pores get blocked by dead skin cells, dirt, pollution, or excess sebum production. It results in blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. 
  • Acne Scar: Acne scars are marks left after acne has been healed. There are many types of acne scars. Some scars are superficial and some are deeply seated. 
  • Hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation is referred to as the dark patches on the skin. It is usually associated with the face. 
  • Dark Circles: Dark circles are referred to as the hyperpigmented areas around the eye which appear to be dark in color. There are many reasons which contribute to the formation of dark circles. 
  • Psoriasis: It is a skin condition in which skin appears to be red and scaly, especially near the knee, elbow, and upper back. This condition could be a sign that your immune system attacking the healthy cells. However, it can be hereditary as well. 
  • Vitiligo: Vitiligo is a chronic immune disease. In this disease, your skin starts losing its colors and appears to have white patches. It cannot be cured completely. However, it can be controlled and managed with a good and effective treatment plan. 
  • Fine lines and Wrinkles: Fine lines and wrinkles are referred to as creases and folds on the skin. It starts to appear after a certain age when your skin starts to lose its elasticity and collagen, making it look saggy, loose, and dull. 
  • Pre-mature Aging: Pre-mature aging is referred to as the condition when fine line or wrinkles starts to appear before the expected age. 
  • Sun Damage and Sun Spots: Direct or prolonged exposure to the sun results in dark spots, tanning and dull-looking skin, called sun-damaged skin. 
  • Skin Infections: Your skin is a delicate organ and it is prone to many infectious agents. These infectious agents can be bacteria, fungus, or viral resulting in bacterial infection, fungal infection, and viral infection, respectively. 

What are available Treatments for Different Skin Concerns?

Treatments are always specific to the skin concern, type of skin, and aesthetic goals of an individual. Some of the common skin treatments are:

  • Light therapy
  • Chemical peel
  • Injections
  • Anti-wrinkle treatment
  • Skin brightening
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Dermatosurgery
  • Topical application
  • Oral medication
  • Surgical procedure

Consult with the Best Skin Specialist in Delhi!

Get radiant and youthful skin by addressing your skin concerns correctly by consulting with an expert and skilled skin specialist. You can consult at Mehektagul Derma Clinic with the best dermatologist in Delhi, Dr. Gulima Arora. The expert doctor has more than two decades of experience providing aesthetic and medical dermatological treatments. The doctor uses cutting-edge technology and advanced procedures allowing patients to get the best experience along with desired results. Book an appointment today at Mehektagul Derma Clinic!

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