Top Most Asked Question About Hair Transplant

The most preferred and best hair transplant in Jaipur is offered by Dr. Akangsha Sharma at AK Aesthetics.

A Good hair day is key to your self-confidence, and self-esteem. It is what everyone desires the most. However, contemporary lifestyle negatively affects our health and by extension, it affects our hair as well. This results in hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, and so on. People struggling with hair loss are often known to experience depression, anxiety, social withdrawal et cetera. A construction and successful solution to your hair loss problem is a hair transplant, also known as hair restoration therapy. This procedure is delicate and requires great precision. therefore, the procedure should be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon only. The most preferred and best hair transplant in Jaipur is offered by Dr. Akangsha Sharma at AK Aesthetics. She is known for her precise work and experience in the field of plastic surgery, making her most considered choice for hair transplant. This blog will answer some of the most asked questions about hair transplant. 

What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is referred to as the surgical technique that allows patients to re-grow their hair despite the cause of loss. Hair transplantation is typically done by extracting hair grafts from the donor site and transplanting at the recipient site. The number of grafts extracted from the donor site depends upon the severity of hair loss or the procedure used during hair restoration therapy. There are several techniques used during the hair transplant. The procedure is well-suited for various types of hair loss. Some of the common types of hair loss are listed below: 

  • Hair thinning 
  • Complete Baldness
  • Bald patches or bald spots
  • Partial baldness 
  • Excessive hair falls, and so on. 

How does Hair transplant work?

As mentioned before, the technique of hair transplant works on the principle of extraction and implantation. Discussing in detail, during the hair transplant a required number of hair grafts are extracted from the donor site and transplanted into the recipient site. Now, these donor hair grafts are usually extracted from the back or side of the head. The top and front of the head are the usual recipient sites. 

However, the number of grafts, donor site, recipient site, and technique are subject to change.  This changes depending on the type of hair loss. The common technique used in the hair transplant involves:

  • FUT: FUT stands for Follicular unit transplantation. This technique is also known as the strip method, this technique involves removing a strip of skin usually the back of the head. Once the strips are removed, they are dissected into grafts. A graft contains 1-4 hair shafts The dissected grafts are then transplanted to the recipient site, followed by stitches. 
  • FUE: FUE stands for Follicular unit extraction. This technique works on the same principle of extracting and then implanting. However, the extraction method differs from FUT. In this method, hair follicles are extracted by making tiny punches and then implanting them into the recipient area. The common donor area is the beard, chest, or scalp. 
  • DHT: DHT stands for Direct Hair Transplant. DHT technique works by extracting and implanting hair shafts simultaneously.
  • Combined FUT and FUE: This procedure involves both FUE and FUT. This technique is mainly recommended to people when a larger area is needed to be covered. Moreover, for this technique, it is important to consider that the donor area is sufficiently dense. 

Is Hair Transplant a Painful Process?

Hair transplant is a painless process.  This is because the procedure is performed under the local anesthesia. However, after the procedure is done, you might feel slight discomfort. The discomfort goes away within a few hours. 

What are the Benefits of a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant offers several benefits apart from restoring psychological effects. Some of the common benefits are enlisted below:

  • Minimal invasive procedure
  • Minimal downtime
  • Quick recovery 
  • Effective results
  • Cost-effective
  • A permanent solution to baldness 
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Higher success rate
  • Natural looking result
  • No to low maintenance

How Much is the Average Cost of a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a cost-effective solution. The approximate cost ranges between Rs 20,000 to 2,25,000. However, the exact cost of a hair transplant is subject to changes, The cost changes based on the type of procedure, number of required grafts, and sessions.

Consult with the Best Plastic Surgeon in India at AK Aesthetics!

Dr. Akangsha Sharma has more than 17 years of rich and hands-on experience in the field of plastic surgery and is considered the best plastic surgeon in India. She ensures the surgery is performed meticulously and with dedication. At AK Aesthetic, you will have access to state-of-the-art technology and the latest equipment, allowing patients to achieve desired results. To know more about the hair transplant treatment plant, request an appointment today!

Akangsha Sharma

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