AlmaLinux vs Rocky Linux – Which One Fits Your Needs?

AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux, the best choice depends on your unique needs and priorities.


With the shift from CentOS to CentOS Stream, many users are searching for stable, dependable alternatives. Two top contenders have emerged: AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. But when it comes to choosing between Rocky Linux vs AlmaLinux, which option best suits your needs? Let’s break down the key differences to help you decide.

Rocky Linux vs AlmaLinux: A Quick Overview

Both AlmaLinux Rocky Linux were created as a response to CentOS’s changes, aiming to provide a free, enterprise-grade operating system that’s fully compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). While they share similar goals, there are distinct differences that might influence your decision.

Development and Support

Rocky Linux was founded by Gregory Kurtzer, the original creator of CentOS, to maintain a community-driven CentOS-like operating system. AlmaLinux, on the other hand, is backed by CloudLinux, a company with deep expertise in enterprise Linux, giving it strong financial and technical support.

When considering AlmaLinux vs Rocky Linux, this difference in support could be crucial. Rocky Linux focuses on a community-first approach, while AlmaLinux benefits from the stability and resources of a well-established commercial entity.

Community and Ecosystem

The community supporting each distribution plays a key role in its development and longevity. Rocky Linux quickly gained a dedicated community of contributors, driven by the collaborative spirit that originally fueled CentOS. AlmaLinux also boasts a strong community, enhanced by CloudLinux’s existing user base.

As you compare AlmaLinux vs Rocky Linux, your decision may hinge on whether you prefer the grassroots, community-driven nature of Rocky Linux or the assured backing of AlmaLinux through its commercial support.

Release Cycles and Compatibility

Both Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux are fully compatible with RHEL, ensuring the same functionality and performance. They both follow predictable release cycles, which is critical for enterprise environments, though their release schedules may differ slightly due to their unique development processes.

When choosing between AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux, consider how their release cycles align with your operational needs and which schedule better suits your requirements.

Migration and Long-Term Viability

Migrating to either AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux is straightforward, with tools available to transition easily from CentOS or other RHEL-based systems. Both distributions are committed to long-term support, ensuring they remain reliable choices for years to come.

If you’re deciding between Rocky Linux vs AlmaLinux for a long-term deployment, both offer strong foundations. Your choice might ultimately depend on which project’s vision and community ethos resonate more with your organization’s goals.

Conclusion: AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux – Which is Right for You?

The decision between AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux depends on your specific needs and priorities. Both distributions provide robust, enterprise-grade Linux experiences, but they differ in their approach and support structures.

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