Skin Specialist in Ludhiana - Visit Now !

Dr. Shikka Aggarwal is an experienced skin specialist in Ludhiana who is known for her excellent work offering the best skincare solutions and anti-aging treatments as per the patient’s individual needs.

Dr. Shikha Aggarwal at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic combines modern science, technology, and cosmetic procedures to provide the best in dermatological care. Dr. Shikka Aggarwal is an experienced skin specialist in Ludhiana who is known for her excellent work offering the best skincare solutions and anti-aging treatments as per the patient’s individual needs. One can visit her to get effective remedies for acne, acne scar, skin tags, moles, stretch marks, aging lines, rosacea, hair fall, fungal infections, freckles, eczema, and psoriasis. Dr. Shikha Aggarwal ensures that patients receive personalized care and effective treatment that helps enhance their physical appearance and improves skin health. Visit Bliss Laser Skin Clinic in Ludhiana today for more details!

drshikha aggarwal

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