Labia Reduction Surgery Canada: Tips For A Smooth Healing Process

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Activity Levels-

Healing is a process and your body takes time for it. Don’t do any strenuous exercise or sexual activity for the recommended period (usually 4-6 weeks).

Usually, you may experience swelling and some pain after labiaplasty. You can use ice packs wrapped in a thin cloth several times a day to get rid of swelling and pain. Drink plenty of water to flush the toxin from your body and heal.

Open Communication:

Don’t hesitate to consult with your surgeon if you experience some issues or worsening pain. It can prevent complications.

Moreover, Healing takes time. When it comes to the full results, it can take several weeks, even months. Be patient with yourself and your body.

Labiaplasty Procedure In Canada At Meridia Medical:

We offer a supportive, dignified, and encouraging environment. Meridia Medical distinguishes itself through a combination of experience and highly specialized service with high-tech facilities and equipment. Our procedures take longer to do comparatively because we want the skin edges to heal perfectly. Almost no scarring and most often, no one will ever know that you have had.


How Painful Is Labiaplasty?

With general anaesthetic, you won't feel any pain. Any discomfort or pain experienced after the surgery will be controlled with medication.

How Much Is A Labiaplasty Surgery In Canada?

The price will vary with different patients due to the complexity of the procedure. The average cost is between $4,000-$6,000.

Can Labia Grow Back After Surgery?

No. But, it may stretch during childbirth.

Is A Labiaplasty Safe?


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