How To Improve Magento 2 Performance Profiling With Tideways?

Magento Website Development Company in New York

Profiling is the gathering of data to carry on various programs that is files and functions. It is not a procedure of optimising the programs. The consequence is usually a wide report on the program’s parts and statistics, carrying on the functions. Based on this report, there can be optimisation of the program’s speed. The speed of the program increases carrying on the functions. Magento Website Development Company in New York offers reliable ways for Magento 2 performance.


Why profiling is needed?

Each system performance slows down after it is loaded with more content and extensions. Magento also faces same problem after it is loaded with more content and extensions.  The use of profiling becomes necessary while the question of program optimisation is needed. One must discover and understand the segments of codes which are working slowly. This requires optimisation, discover broken code etc. The code profiling process must go first in the applying process. Any other application will be more likely to be faulty. One must know what exactly causes the problem. The result of profiling is generally a list of performed roles together with the execution time. Thus once the problems are understood, it becomes easy to handle the process.

What to select?

There are several PHP registration technologies such as Blackfire, Zend Xdebug etc. But not all tools well suited for analysis purpose. Most of the tools have vital overheads and are not useful in the production environment. Besides, the problems on a live site may not be similar as the development environment. Profiling only shows the part of the problem on the developer’s computer. Thus person comes to know the problem or issue. Thus tools are used for analysis purpose.

Magento 2 offers a profiler out of the box. However it has not been used. Tideways XH Prof Extension is a profiler for PHP. It has been forked from the XH Prof Extension that is developed by Facebook. Todeways is a comfortable to use. It is a straightforward profiler that can successfully gather application statistics without slow down your site. This can be utilised for production Magento 2 webs profiling with a little overhead. Magento Development Company in New York offers Magento2 website profiling with a little overhead.


Configure Tideways

Step# 1

To start working with Tideways, it is needed to make an account on Tideways. An account is required to function properly.

Step# 2

Then depending on server environment it is required that one should install and configure the extension in accordance with the file documentation. Thus emphasis is made on the server environment.

Step# 3

The last procedure is to configure Magento 2 including settings to a file app/ bootstarp.php

You can discover an API key in General Settings in Tideways Account.

Therefore we can begin researching the code. Thus research is needed on codes.

The tideways interface offers several techniques to trigger profiling. Different methods are used for triggering the profile.

Method# 1

Using a command line

Method# 2

Using Tideways Chrome Extension

Method# 3

Using a query string

Simply include the generated query string to profile that is the desired page. The simple way to get around a Magento 2 FPC . It means Full Page Cache . It is triggered by adding a query string.

Profiling in Action

Assume we had a Magento 2 project where profile is needed. For instance, lets trigger profiling for the home page. The query string is included offered by tideways into the store home URL and refresh the sheet. In Tideways, we will not observe the available Callgraph traces. Magento Website Development in New York aids in profiling for the home page.


The Timeline Profiler gathers data’s about a variety of operations performed by Magento 2 Application. In this special case, we can observe that the request of our page return an HTTP 200 ok response code. It is observed that the request has been managed via Magento/ CMS/ Index Controller/ Index/ Controller. Magento 2 generates 167 MySQL questions. The response of the page took 941 ms. It consumed 50.2 MB of memory. It is the basic info one can see at the top of the page. Also for example, we can select the SQL query which gathers EAV ( Entity Attribute Value. The attribute options data from the block. Magento/ Block/ Product/ Swatches/ Renderer/ Configurable/ Listing. In the right side of the side bar we will see all vital facts about this question: execution time, memory, usage and many more.

Another example displays the query which collects some products info to show on the sheet.



The Callgraph Profiler displays how much time was spent in each role on a call graph. It offers detailed info into each function call of a PHP request.

Resource intensive regions of code are highlighted in yellow ( middle) and  red ( strongest). These are pieces of code that utilise lot of resources related to the whole part of the program. It can be a slow activity or a greater number of fast function calls.

For instance we can observe that for the call to function. The Magento/ Model/ Layer/ Catalog/ Abstract Filter/ Filter: Theget items Count

The total time was 3.47 seconds

The self time was 0.03 seconds.

The total memory utilised was 5.1 MB

The self memory used was 0B

The function was called 32 times.

Also we can see the parent calls , child calls and the slowest code ways.



Tideways is useful in detecting few bottlenecks in requests. It provides us helpful clarifications about them. The Bottlenecks may show slow or repeated HTTP calls, SQL calls and much more. In the example we can observe that in the select associated with retrieving the stuff info, was carried on one time and took 8.02 ms. All the detected bottlenecks will be highlighted in red. Thus Tideways is useful in finding few bottlenecks in requests. It offers clarifications which are useful.


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Rakesh Dadhich

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