When should i take shilajit

shilajit offers various health benefits, women should be mindful of potential side effects. Stomach issues, allergic reactions, hormonal changes, and iron overload are concerns to consider.

What time to take shilajit: 


The best time to take shilajit depends on your health goals and routine. For an energy boost, take it in the morning on an empty stomach. To aid digestion, consume it 30 minutes before meals. If you have a sensitive stomach, take it with meals. For enhanced workout performance, take shilajit before exercising. Some people take it before bed to promote relaxation and better sleep. Consistency is crucial, so choose a time that fits your daily schedule. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting shilajit, especially if you have health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.


How to Take Shilajit

  1. Dosage:
  • Start small: Begin with a pea-sized portion, about 300-500 mg. This small amount is usually enough to experience the benefits.
  1. Form:
  • Resin: This is the purest form of shilajit. It comes as a thick, sticky substance.
  • Capsules: These are more convenient and provide a pre-measured dose.
  1. Method:
  • Using Resin:
    • Dissolve in Liquid: Take a pea-sized amount of the resin and dissolve it in a warm liquid like water, milk, or herbal tea. Stir until it completely dissolves.


  • Using Capsules:
    • Follow Instructions: Take the number of capsules recommended on the packaging with a glass of water or your preferred beverage.


  1. Timing:
  • Morning: Take it on an empty stomach. This is great for an energy boost to start your day.
  • Before Meals: Consume it about 30 minutes before eating. This can help with digestion.
  • With Meals: If you have a sensitive stomach, taking shilajit with food can prevent any discomfort.


  1. Consistency:
  • Daily Routine: For the best results, take shilajit at the same time every day. Consistency helps your body adjust and reap the benefits more effectively.


  1. Consultation:


  • Health Check: If you have any health conditions, are pregnant, or breastfeeding, talk to a healthcare professional before starting shilajit to ensure it’s safe for you.

Which is Better: Shilajit or Ashwagandha?


Choosing between shilajit and ashwagandha depends on what you’re looking to achieve with your health. Both are powerful supplements from Ayurveda, but they have different primary benefits.


  1. Boosts Testosterone:
    • Shilajit is particularly effective for men who want to increase their testosterone levels. This can improve fertility and overall reproductive health.


  • Increases Energy:
    • It’s known for providing a natural energy boost. If you often feel tired or fatigued, shilajit can help you feel more energetic and active.



  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety:
    • Ashwagandha is great for reducing stress. It helps lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, making you feel calmer and more relaxed.


  • Improves Sleep:
    • If you struggle with sleep, ashwagandha can help you fall asleep more easily and improve the quality of your sleep.


Read more : Which is better shilajit or ashwagandha 



  • Choose Shilajit if you want to:
    • Boost your energy levels.
    • Increase testosterone and improve reproductive health.
    • Gain anti-aging benefits from antioxidants.
    • Benefit from a rich source of minerals.


  • Choose Ashwagandha if you want to:
    • Reduce stress and feel more relaxed.
    • Improve your sleep quality.
    • Enhance your physical strength and performance.
    • Strengthen your immune system.


Both supplements offer unique and valuable benefits. Your choice should depend on your specific health goals and needs. If you’re unsure, consulting a healthcare professional can help you decide which supplement is best for you.

Best quality shilajit in India : 


For the best quality shilajit in India, consider these reputable brands:


  1. Dabur Shilajit Gold: Known for its high-quality, purified shilajit resin, providing robust energy and vitality.


  1. Patanjali Divya Shilajeet: Offers natural and trusted shilajit, well-regarded in the Ayurvedic community.


  1. Upakarma Ayurveda Pure Shilajit: Lab-tested for purity, ensuring a safe and potent product.


  1. Kapiva Himalayan Shilajit: Sourced from the pristine Himalayas, guaranteeing authenticity and high mineral content.


Shilajit side effects for female:


Shilajit Resin can offer great benefits, but it's essential for women to know about its potential side effects:


  1. Stomach Problems: It might upset the stomach or cause diarrhea, especially if taken in large amounts.


  1. Allergic Reactions: Rarely, it can trigger allergies like rashes or breathing issues.


  1. Hormonal Changes: Shilajit can affect hormone levels, so women with hormone-related conditions should be cautious.


  1. Iron Levels: It's high in iron, so those with iron-related conditions should avoid it.


  1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Not enough is known about its effects, so it's better to avoid these times.


  1. Blood Pressure: It may influence blood pressure, so it's wise to monitor it closely.


Always consult a healthcare provider before trying shilajit, especially if you're pregnant, breastfeeding, or have health concerns. Start with a small dose to see how your body reacts.


Read more : shilajit or ashwagandha for testosterone



harsha sharma

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