Advanced Training?

For these classes, we bring in industry experts with extensive training themselves with real world experience- often in law enforcement, emergency medical services, or military like myself.

We started this company in 2015 and have trained thousands of people in and around Maryland in those years since. And while many may think that training is all that they needed and wanted, many more understand that skills gained from our training will be lost if not used or practiced. And, to be frank, while the concealed carry classes that we offer may be pretty detailed and comprehensive in comparison to others offered in Maryland- they still are relatively basic in the overall scheme of things. They lay the base for even more detailed and hands on training to follow.

We started offering advanced classes in 2019 after so many voiced their desire for more. To learn more, to do more, to experience more. Being able to properly defend yourself isn't limited to buying a gun and taking an entry level 2 day concealed carry class- just as a proper education for the average American adult isn't limited to 1 year in a public school kindergarten classroom.

For these classes, we bring in industry experts with extensive training themselves with real world experience- often in law enforcement, emergency medical services, or military like myself. They travel from all over including but not limited to New York, Illinois, Utah, Virginia, Texas and more. 9 times out of 10 you will find me in class right along side you, learning and training just the same. If they bring value and I want to train under them- we will host them.

I don't bring in the local NRA instructor that is going to death-by-powerpoint you with black & white slides and hands you a certificate at the end. Many of these classes don't come with a certificate. Because as a civilian paying good money for quality training, it isn't about a piece of paper to hang on your wall or to turn in to some bureaucrat behind a desk so you can access your right- this is purely about making yourself more capable to defend yourself and others.

Just as I am with the classes I put on for my clients, I take the classes I attend as a student serious. I am a husband and a father of 3 with 1 on the way. I also regularly attend services and events at my church, which are often targets for violence. I carry a gun. I carry everyday and everywhere I am able to. I take on the role and responsibility with reverence. The classes that I attend, the instructors I choose, my attention given to the instruction/drills- could be what helps me win and secure those around me in the unfortunate chance I may have to use these skills and tools God has afforded me.

I implore you to do the same. Don't just put a check in a box. Don't just do the bear minimum or what is required of you. You and your family deserve much better than that. You truly get out of this what you put into it.

Original Sources:

Practical Training Professionals PTPGun

8 مدونة المشاركات
