How To Cope Up With The Fear Of Failure After Essay Submission

Writing is skill hard to do and difficult to master. Even professional writers say they sometimes aren’t confident in the writing. This lack of confidence is the effect of fear of failure. Humans have a tendency to avoid thing which may require more responsibility.

Writing is skill hard to do and difficult to master. Even professional writers say they sometimes aren’t confident in the writing. This lack of confidence is the effect of fear of failure. Humans have a tendency to avoid thing which may require more responsibility. This responsivity trigger fear of failure in many of us. Almost everybody face the fear but some people know how to cope with it much better than other. Mostly this pressure is often faced in educational and office life. Where we are reviewed or marked according to the writing or task. In the education life essay writing trigger this for many of us. Most of the time the essay carry a small amount of marks we don’t want to lose. At this time we wish that pay someone to take my class? Let’s say your wish has come true. We offer essay writing service to ensure you score the maximum numbers possible. Still you have overcome the fear of failure after essay submission. To help to cope up with fear of failure after essay submission here are some tips.

Don’t Think About It.

Firstly most important mistake that most of the students make is that they constantly think about their submitted essay. We suggest that you just don’t think about it anymore. Try to keep yourself full of activity as much as possible. Human mind is a complex organ. It constantly requires something to think or ponder upon. You might have heard that some people live in mountains in order to train their mind to not to think anything. This is very hard thing to do and require year of practice and concentration. Another short solution to the problem is constantly doing something that we have already mentioned above. We are doing something we totally indulge in the activity. This cause leaving no room for other kind of thinking. You can do several in the meantime while you wait for the result for your essay. You can complete other essay that are given to you. Revise previous lessons and chapter already learned at school. You also read the upcoming lessons and chapter to get a head start in the subject. Try working on improving you skills or talents. You can practice painting in the meantime. Or you can play outdoor games to increase you stamina. If you plan to be professional e-sports player in the future you can use you free time to stream you gameplay. You can also hang out with your friend in the period in-between. Just do something that keeps yourself busy. If you think you are sloth that can sleep for huge period time then sleep for a while.

Be Confident

One of the major causes of this fear of failure is the lack of enough confidence. If students knew that their work will easily score them enough numbers to pass the subject. They are still worried about it like they will definitely fail. Try to confident about you work. As we grow we must understand to take responsibly to show that we are mature. Take up some accountability and don’t worry. Remember the time you learned to ride your bicycle. Initially you were afraid to ride it but with time and practice you got enough confidence to show off your bike skills in the neighborhood. It is the same with essay writing. Initially you will depressed and try to escape all together but after a while you used to it.

It Done

One of the main things students tend to forget that once you submit your essay. You can’t do anything anymore on the essay as you already submitted. There is no point in taking tension about the work you know that you have completed. Leave it and move on. We know that we humans loves to remember or come back to the old stuff or relations. But there are something that better left unremembered or untouched. We all have that one friend that always is shy and feels weird in the public. You will often heart people tell that friend that do what you want to do. Don’t be afraid. You live life only once. If you spend you most of time in burden and when will you live it. Enjoy your life while you have it. Our life is the most precious bequest we have. It is better to enjoy it then to waste it all together. In the modern age of smartphone and technology we are bounded with technology instead of humans.

Share your fear. 

One of the easiest way to reduce this fear of failure is to share it with someone. You can easily talk to your classmates and show your burden. Mostly likely they will totally relate with you. This will trigger a normality sense in you. This will reduce the overall fear of failure. You also tell you parents about it and show your tension. Most possibly they will encourage that you shouldn’t care much about it. Talk you teacher about it. He/she will mostly likely say something that can unload the burden in you. You teacher might give you extra number due to the sympathy.

 At Least You Tired

Just ask you teacher how many students submitted their work. Mostly probably their 10-12 colleagues that haven’t submitted their work at all. We humans feel grateful when we see anyone below us having less power or ability than us. These 10-12 students will definitely get zero marks in the subject while you might get enough to pass or surpass your expectation. You effort might not leave in vain you will surely get some marks.


While writing your essay make sure that you format you essay well enough that is presentable. Most of the institutes have separate for formatting. You can easily score these marks by having proper formatting. Let see one of the most common type of format design.

  1. Introduction

In the introduction section of essay introduce you topic or agreement you are going to talk about. Explain some background it in and introduce the topic to the reader.

  1. Body

In the introduce section of essay you put all the information that is related to the topic. In case of an argument either you show both sides or show evidence to support your argument. The body section is the biggest part of the essay. You can use more than one paragraph in the section

  1. Conclusion

This is the ending of the essay. In the section you will provide a summary of the whole essay as well as a result of the essay. Make sure not to introduce any new points in the section.

These were some of the tip on how to cope up with fear of failure after essay submission. We highly recommend taking our essay service. Most of the students’ wish of pay someone to take my class is fulfilled by our writers. Try our services to find out today. Take care of yourself and keep on writing.

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