In the market *you find a poor woman with a baby at her back,* you lower your car window and with a military rough command voice you asked her:

*"How much are you selling those onions and bananas?*

The poor seller politely replies,
"N1,500 for a bunch of bananas and N1,000 for a pack of onions."

*With pride you demand the bunch of bananas at #800 and the the pack of onions at # 700 or else you will leave.*

The poor seller resigns to fate and replies, "take them at the price you want. *I have not made any sale today, at least I have something for supper now."*

She has made a loss but she goes further to buy a plastic bag for you to pack the two items you have just bought.

*You order her to hurry up otherwise you may change your mind. She apologises and with a smile, she gives you the items and she blesses you for patronizing her.*

*You literally throw the money at her and you sped away leaving behind a cloud of smoke and dust which causes a bit of discomfort to her and the baby. She is coughing while securing her little money. Her poverty has left her with no choice.*

*You have now arrived at the 5-star restaurant where you are to meet friends and you ask them to order food and drinks of their choice.*

*They order expensive food and the leftovers are more than the food they have eaten.*

*The total bill is N65,000 and you pay without bargaining, you gave a tip of N5,000 appreciating the waiter for a delicious meal....which you didn't eat even half of.*

*This incident might seem quite normal to you but it's inhumane...*


*Why do we always show that we have the bargaining power when we buy from the poor?*

*Why do we become arrogant when buying from the poor?*

*Why do we become stingy when buying from the vulnerable?*

*Why do we show generosity to those who do not even need our generosity?*

*Why do we become polite when buying from the rich who view our money as mere change?*

*Why do we channel money to a sea of money?*

*Please buy simple goods from the poor people at high prices....do it deliberately.*

*Sometimes, pay extra for the items you buy from poor women...you are only blessing them in your little way*

*Please where possible buy items from local markets.*

*To everyone reading this, please, everytime you see them in traffic, taxi parks, bus stops, on the streets....just buy!*

*Don't bargain. They are not looking for money to buy expensive clothes or mansions or cars, but to feed their children back home and pay school fees.*

*PLEASE let's support the less privileged*??

Credit: Sun Riser Ceglow
