Ore is light gray metal, brittle. Relative density 7. 20. Melting point (1244 st3) 鈩? The boiling point of 1962 鈩? Dissolve in dilute acid. Manganese reacts with water in water and can react with halogens, sulfur, phosphorus, carbon and silicon. During smelting, manganese vapor forms oxides with oxygen in the air. There are the cube and the four Angular form of two forms, and has a complex crystal structure electrolytic manganese metal generally contains more than 99.7% manganese, pure electrolytic manganese can not be processed, after adding 1% nickel into a malleable alloy.
Manganese Ore:USE
In the iron and steel industry is mainly used for desulphurization and deoxidation of steel; Also used as alloy additives, to improve the strength, hardness, elastic limit, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of steel; In high alloy steel, it is also used as austenitic element for stainless steel, special alloy steel, stainless steel welding rod and so on. In addition, it is also used in non-ferrous metals, chemical industry, medicine, food, analysis and scientific research.
In wooden drums lined with polythene bags or packed in iron drums of 50kg net each. Flammable solids. Hazard Code: GB 4.1 Class 41506. Store in a cool, dry, well - ventilated warehouse. Avoid moisture. Should be isolated from acids, strong bases, etc. Keep away from fire to prevent explosion. Be protected from rain and sun exposure during transportation. Handle with care during loading and unloading to prevent packing damage. Dust scattered places, should wear dust cover, there should be exhaust device in the warehouse. In case of fire, sand and dry powder fire extinguisher can be used to put out. Toxicity and protection: manganese can cause serious central nervous system lesions, severe cases can appear Parkinson's disease. It can cause serious damage to the globus pallidus in the striatum of the brain, and degeneration of liver, kidney and myocardium. Chronic poisoning is divided into three stages: the first is the central nervous system damage, sometimes stomach changes and multiple neuritis; This is followed by initial toxic encephalopathy, followed by Parkinson's syndrome, which is characterized by; Stiff face, weakness, apathy, speech disorder, etc. There is damage to the skin, can cause dermatitis, chronic eczema, so that the scratch on the skin is not easy to heal, lymph glands are generally swollen. Maximum allowable concentration: condensed aerosol of manganese (calculated by Mn) 0. 03mg/ Ma; Comminuted aerosol (in Mn). 2mg/m3. Dust masks should be used when there is dust in production, and gas masks with filters should be used when the concentration is large. During the production process, the excretion of dust and smoke should be prevented. For the leaked manganese dust, the workplace should be cleaned by wet method. Staff undergo regular medical examinations.ChinaManganeseMateralmanufacturersFactory