Aug 12, 2019 An interview with Nancy L. Rosenblum and Russell Muirhead, authors of A Lot of People Are Saying | Open Future.. Jul 10, 2020 A thinly evidenced conspiracy theory alleges a furniture company is using overpriced listings as cover for human trafficking. d9ca4589f4 nazaell
Jun 23, 2017 Edgar Maddison Welch, who was sentenced to four years in prison for firing shots at a D.C. pizza restaurant, recorded this video that prosecutors.... Sep 23, 2020 However, when we start questioning things, we need to be careful to not fall into any harmful conspiracy theories. Pizzagate and QAnon show that.... Nov 21, 2016 A detailed conspiracy theory known as "Pizzagate" holds that a pedophile ring is operating out of a Clinton-linked pizzeria called Comet Ping...