Feb 25, 2020 There might come a time where you might need to open another app with ... You will need to use your web browser and go to the Google Play Store. ... able to open the Facebook app from your Ionic 5 application and it should.... My settings are set to allow Spotify to be opened from the web, but when clicking a link on a facebook post via crhome browser it opens the spotify web page in a.... First, make sure you are logged into Facebook in your browser or the Facebook app on your device. Then follow these steps: On Facebook, open the menu on... 877e942ab0 raffvasy

May 29, 2018 ... publish my first android game and I want to add a "Rate us" button to open my google play store link. ... OS.shell_open("www.facebook.com\").. Mar 10, 2021 You can still access all of your friends and favorite Facebook features by logging in through your browser at www.facebook.com. Today the app...