
Rush of anxiety when falling asleep

As the night deepens and the world around me quietens, I often find myself grappling with a rush of anxiety when falling asleep. It's as if the stillness amplifies the whispers of doubt and worry, echoing through the chambers of my mind. Each fleeting thought becomes magnified in the silence, creating a turbulent sea of apprehension. Yet, amidst this tempest, there's a glimmer of hope, a gentle reminder that every nightfall is followed by the promise of a new dawn, bringing with it the chance for peace and serenity once more.

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Bik Sofiyea·

If you're struggling with anxiety when trying to fall asleep at night, here are some tips to help:

1. Establish a bedtime routine
2. Limit screen time before bed
3. Create a comfortable sleep environment
4. Practice relaxation techniques
5. Talk to a healthcare provider if necessary.

Remember to be patient and consistent as you work to improve your sleep habits. With time and practice, you can develop a routine that works for you and start getting the restful sleep that you need.