Full-Time vs. Part-Time Maid: Who Is Best for My Lifestyle?

Too busy to keep your household in order? You could hire a maid to help you maintain your home. Here are several factors to consider about your lifestyle if you’re unsure whether to get a full-time or part-time maid in Singapore.

Ever been so busy with work and other matters that you always come home to a messy, well, home? Hectic lifestyles are the norm for many Singaporeans—we do have a reputation for having quite a poor work-life balance. So it’s no surprise that many residents here can’t keep up with their housekeeping chores. 


There’s a popular solution to that dilemma in Singapore: get a part-time maid or a full–time helper. If you’re interested in having one work for you, just keep in mind that both types of workers have their pros and cons.


Let’s review your lifestyle today so you can better decide which one to hire.


How Can Hiring Helpers Improve Your Life? 

Having hired help around the house can free up much of your time that you could use for other matters, like having a side hustle, travelling, or just spending time with loved ones. They can take a large amount of stress off your shoulders by doing various household chores for you. 


And isn’t it simply nice to always have a clean and organised home without having to exert all your energy into achieving it? 


Lifestyle Factors To Consider When Choosing a Helper

The choice to hire either a full-time or part-time maid in Singapore depends on your circumstances. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you pick someone: 


When is a Full-Time Helper Better for You?

  • You Have a Larger Home - Managing multiple rooms and outdoor spaces would be overwhelming to do on your own, especially when you don’t have the luxury of time. A helper who lives with you would be able to maintain your home more consistently. 


  • You Need Versatility  - Live-in helpers would be better suited for your household if you need more assistance apart from home cleaning. For instance, you might have children or elderly family members who need watching over. Or perhaps the maid can also do the cooking and grocery shopping for you. 


  • You Can Afford Them - The cost of hiring a full-time maid is no doubt more expensive than a part-timer. If you can afford one and don’t mind sacrificing a bit of your privacy because they will live with you, then why not hire one? 

When are Part-time Cleaners More Preferable? 

  • You Have a Tighter Budget - Part-time maids are generally cheaper to hire because you only pay for the hours they work for you. The less time you actually need them at home, the more money you save. 


  • You Value Your Privacy - Not keen on sharing your home with someone who isn’t a family member? Part-time helpers don’t live with you and will only come during their scheduled hours. 


  • You Only Need Specific Tasks Done - Suppose you can do your own groceries and cooking and only need help with the laundry and cleaning. A part-timer is the perfect worker for this, as they typically focus on cleaning services anyway. 

Hire From a Cleaning Company to Avoid the Hassle

If you don’t want to deal with the trouble of screening for helpers and applying for work permits yourself, you could contact a local cleaning company for full-time or part-time maids in Singapore. These agencies vet their personnel and handle all the legalities involved so you have more peace of mind about who’s working in your home. 


They also typically train their staff to deliver professional cleaning standards — something that an independent hire might not always achieve. 

Let the Right Maid Help You Live Better

So remember: if you need extensive help at home, invest in a full-time domestic helper. But if you only require assistance for certain chores or have a smaller budget, then a part-time cleaner is the cost-efficient choice. 


Don’t hesitate to consult a cleaning agency first if you’re still unsure of your options. At the end of the day, what’s important is having a clean and comfortable home and a less stressful life.

Peter Lim

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