What is a Mobile App Conversion Funnel?

Learn how to funnel analysis Via mobile app Conversion metrics can boost more user conversions.

The mobile app conversion funnel is a type of customer journey involving a series of events that an app developer views as important for the completion of a purchase, registration, or installation. Most of the mobile application funnels are concerned with revenue-generating events like driving subscriptions, upgrading, and advertisement views. Regardless of its complexity, it is fairly easy for mobile marketers to track user journeys both in and outside of the app. All thanks to a mobile marketing platform. Optimizing the conversion funnel with in-app campaigns that build users’ trust or generate virality can effectively increase user engagement, retention, and lifetime value. Similarly, a deeper assessment of the funnel stages that record the highest user churn rate can be indicative of the areas/campaigns within your app that need to be checked for better user experience. Now that we have a basic understanding of the stages in the conversion funnel, let us look into them in greater detail.

Stemming the Tide: Stages Of A Mobile App Conversion Funnel 

  • App Discovery - Users can learn about your app through many ways like organic search, paid advertisements, or news stories. These third-party platforms direct the users to the app store landing page from where they can download the app. You should make sure that the initial impression of users from viewing the name, logo, description, and screen grabs of the app is tempting enough to prompt an install. 
  • Consideration - The stage where users seriously start assessing the value of your app. Potential customers will be interested in your app if you can provide them with enticing offers like new user discounts, freemium, slashed prices for in-app purchases, etc. Various factors like the pricing of in-app rewards, user ratings, and reviews play important roles in the consideration of downloading your app. 
  • Engagement - Downloading the app and engaging with it is the next step in the process. Usually, users download multiple apps from the same field to choose the right one for them. This is where seamless user interface and convenience of functioning play a crucial role. Offering special offers on in-app features can help to convert potential customers into loyal customers. App discovery, consideration, and engagement stages together constitute the app acquisition process. Reacquisition is also a part of this stage. If users have canceled their subscriptions or reduced their activity on the app, you can try reacquiring them through push notifications, email ad campaigns, and other forms of mobile ads.
  • Conversion - This is an important phase where the users are converted into active, frequent paying customers. This depends mainly on the monetization method of the app. You need to implement different strategies that align with the in-app user journey to maximize the chances of purchases, subscriptions, etc. At this stage, marketers should aim to nurture the existing leads into high paying customers by inculcating brand recall through targeted banner ads that nudge the users at prime time, as per their previous app activity, expressed interests, or purchase behaviour. 

Several key metrics should be considered for app conversion funnels to function properly. They depend on the nature of your business and the predefined marketing goals. Some of the common metrics that are recorded are app store conversions, app installs, in-app purchases, daily active users, onboarding completion rate, session length, session frequency, customer LTV, and churn rate. You can also combine these metrics to draw macro level insights e.g. app retention rate, using the assistance of a mobile marketing platform. 

Branching the Stream: Types Of Mobile App Conversion Funnels

  • User Conversion Funnels - Downloading an app, creating an account, and buying a subscription is an apt example of this type of conversion funnel. It is an integral part of building engagement on the app, thereby popularizing the brand name. A typical KPI set for this application funnel is user acquisition rate, click to install rate, attribution window, revenue generated, and fraudulent installs prevented. 
  • Recurring/Repeated Conversion Funnels - These funnels operate in parallel to an app’s other campaigns, and may occur recurrently. Nudging users to complete their abandoned cart purchases, and collecting video ad rewards can be achieved through a recurring conversion funnel which is triggered every time an event is reached. Such type of funnels are primarily used for milestone events like, user onboarding, in-app tournaments, gaming rewards, etc. that act as singular markers of an app’s growing business. 


In conclusion, the Mobile app conversion funnel is a very innovative concept in modern-day business and it has many strategies, types, and advantages that should be considered. Assessing your users’ turnaround time, identifying opportunities to boost conversion rates, and incorporating a variety of strategies are some of the important things to be kept in mind while optimizing your conversion funnel. Adhering to and understanding these details about conversion funnels along with the help of a mobile marketing tool like Trackier can help in your business journey toward success and conquering new heights.

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