1. Diversification of the economy: Nigeria heavily relies on oil as its main source of revenue. To improve the economy, the country should focus on diversifying its economy by investing in other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, technology, and tourism.

2. Improve infrastructure: Inadequate infrastructure, such as poor road networks, unreliable power supply, and lack of clean water supply, hinders economic growth in Nigeria. Investing in infrastructure projects will not only create jobs but also attract foreign investment and improve the overall business environment.

3. Enhance security: Nigeria has been plagued by insecurity issues such as terrorism, banditry, and kidnapping, which negatively impact economic activities. By addressing these security challenges, the government can create a conducive environment for businesses to thrive and attract both local and foreign investors.

4. Improve governance and tackle corruption: Corruption is a major issue in Nigeria and deters economic growth by creating a lack of trust and transparency. The government should take steps to improve governance, strengthen institutions, and fight corruption to create a more conducive environment for business and investment.

5. Investment in education and skills development: Investing in education and skills development will help create a more skilled workforce, attract high-quality jobs, and spur innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.

By implementing these measures, Nigeria can improve its economy and set itself on a path towards sustainable growth and development within the next four years.

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